March 27th update:
I got all the small parts primed and painted in the past couple days
Next step is to rustproof inside the body shell
in the areas that won't be getting any paint coverage.
I'll probably do that later today or tomorrow.
After that dries overnight I'll have to prime over it whereever I can,
then I'll paint the bottom black, and then put the color inside the shell.
Before I do any of these steps I'm going to mask off the entire exterior
So I don't get it full of overspray.
It looks like I'll paint the exterior too before I start
assembling TRFNSRF again.
I'll have some touch up to do inside after I get the rotis
brackets out of the way.
It's starting to be fun now!
 Primed Parts
|  Primed Parts
|  Primed Parts
|  Primed Parts
 Primed Parts
|  Painted Parts
|  Painted Parts
|  Painted Parts
March 29th update:
I rustproofedinside the doors, inside the hidden
areas in the body shell and I drilled holes in
the corners of the deck lid and hood webbing
and sprayed inside of them real well too.
I put plastic plugs in the holes and will paint over them.
I masked off the entire outside of the body and then
sprayed the bottom flat black on Sunday. It looks shiney in
the pictures because I just finished painting and it was
still wet. This morning it looks nice and flat.
I had a couple runs I sanded out and resprayed today so
I'm waiting until tomomorrow to paint inside
the shell and the bottoms of the deck, hood and doors.
I'm using Omni Poly in those areas and on the
outside body areas I'll use Omni base/clear.
 Rustproof inside doors
|  Rustproof inside deck lid
|  Rustproof inside hood
|  Rustproof inside quarters
 Rustproof inside quarters
|  Rustproof inside rockers
|  Masked TRFNSRF
|  Black Bottom